Thursday, October 02, 2008

We're Gonna Spend $700 Billion -- You Want Some Tax Breaks with That?

You gotta wonder sometimes.  From the New York Times -- Senate Passes Bailout Plan; House May Vote by Friday:
In the House, officials of both parties said they were increasingly confident that politically enticing provisions bootstrapped to the original bill — including $150 billion in tax breaks for individuals and businesses — would win over at least the dozen or so votes needed to reverse Monday’s outcome and send the measure to President Bush.

Hmmm.  The U.S. is already beaucoup in debt from the Iraq War and the Bush tax cuts, and is looking to spend up to $700 billion extra (on top of its usual expenses) to bail out God-knows-who, and someone thinks it's a good idea to cut revenues by another $150 billion?  Can you say "gutless"?  Can you say "stupid"?  Can you say "on the backs of our children"?


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