Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Off to Luxembourg

We are headed off this morning to Luxembourg and Germany, returning Sunday, which means that there may not be any posts for a few days. Stay tuned....


Anonymous said...

Steve, we're really enjoying this. You may have a future as a travel writer. Keep it up, please.

Glad to hear everyone is in pretty good spirits (modulo Suzie sorting out the sleep thing). I once went to a conference in Portugal where I woke up at 4:00 a.m. the first three days and had a wonderful time experiencing a little fishing village getting up, and then on the fourth day slept until 10:30, missing most of the morning's program. Total embarrassment. I was probably about the age then that Suzie is now, so there may be hope. I love you RFF.

Love to everyone from Baboo and Granddady. Hope Luxembourg and Germany are great. We'll stay tuned.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Steve, I had no idea you were visiting Germany....Hopefully you'll be going to Bavaria, obviously the best part of Germany, with only a little bias on my part. Thanks so much for taking me on vacation with you. I'm enjoying following you around Europe.